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Monolithic to Microservices Implementation for Leading Retail Bank in Canada​

March 24, 2023

Problem Statement​​

  • The bank uses a Loan Origination and Processing System which was built in Monolithic architecture using JEE stack.​
  • The application undergoes lot of changes. For each change, the entire application needs to be tested to make sure that nothing has broken. ​
  • Due to the Monolithic nature, memory leaks in any module brings down the entire application.​
  • Troubleshooting any issues within the application has become a very difficult due to the size of the application.

Technology Stack



  • Kumaran has broken down the application into multiple functional units.​
  • Each functional unit has been developed as a microservice, using Java Spring Boot.​
  • Redhat OpenShift container platform was used for deployments.​
  • The deployment was done using CI-CD pipelines with automation test scripts developed to test each microservice.


  • The solution allows each service to be developed and maintained by individual teams.​
  • Any changes to the services can be done without impacting to the other services. by reducing the downtime of the entire application.​
  • DevOps and Agile enables seamless development and deployment reducing timeline​
  • Each service can be scaled independently

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